About Boozerevie.ws

We’re not big drinkers here at Booze Reviews. Very much quality over quantity. When we sit down with a beverage we want to make the most of it.

‘Variety is the spice of life’ – we drink by this maxim and so we mix it up where we can. Our aim is for a new experience with every bottle.

We’ve also got an eye for the unusual & quirky. This sometimes lends itself to some rather ‘cavalier’ selections… Of course with such an approach comes both hits and misses! At the end of the day, we’re on the look-out for a memorable tipple.

The Booze Reviews goal is to help guide our fellow ‘free drinkers’ with short, to-the-point advice with minimal fence-sitting. We’ll let you know our thoughts on the drinks featured and do our best to position them within our body of experience. No BS here.

We’re on the search for stand-out drinking experiences. Please join us on this adventure.

Contact Boozerevie.ws

You can get in contact with us in a number of ways. Of course, there’s always our social media channels for flit and frivolity – why not consider joining in with ‘The Regulars’?

Let us know how wrong we got everything and how we’re terrible people and should just delete our site and cry (thanks, internet). Or just drop us a ‘thanks’ when we point you to a new drink. Just be sure to tell your friends about us!

There’s our Facebook page, which we reckon is worth a look:
Like us on Facebook! Go on…

Then there’s our Twitter account – go on, give us a follow!
Follow @Booze_Reviews on Twitter

If you’d like to get in touch with us directly, feel free to shoot through a message via the form below.
Unless you’re a spambot, in which case consider yourself barred!


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